viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020


This week we are going to do a cereal box aquarium. Kids can choose how they want to decorate their aquarium, what colored fish and what colors! There are many options and ways to build an aquarium. I would love to see how you make yours!

Cereal Box Aquarium Fish Tank Craft

What you need:

  • A cereal box or a shoe box
  • Colored cardstock or white paper (you can paint the paper)
  • Green paper
  • Blue paint
  • Sand or brown play dough
  • Stones
  • Shells
  • String
  • Glue
  • Scissors


  1. First, you need to cut out the center of your box (adults only do this part)Cut Cereal Box Open
  2. Paint the inside of your box a blue color and paint the outside of your box the color you like.
  3. Now you can decorate your aquarium however you like it! you can add stones, sand or brown play dough, shells, and green paper (cut some strips of green paper and glue to the bottom of your box to make it look like seaweed).
  4. Cut out your fish. You can use orange, yellow and red colors so they would pop in the aquarium.
  5. Glue on eyes to your fish.
  6. Take a small piece of string and tape it to the back of your fish. Add String to Fish
  7. Glue on the top of your cereal box                                        Tape Fish to Box

Now you have a finished cereal box aquarium. We hope you had a lot of fun.